pendant pendant-stone-mineral-labradorite-7 chakras
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pendant-natural mineral stone labradorite -7chakras
pendant pendant-stone-mineral-labradorite-7 chakras
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pendant-natural mineral stone labradorite -7chakras

Octagonal Labradorite Pendant

Octagonal shaped mineral stone charm with the addition of 7 chakra stones - Considered "the mystical stone" because it deflects unwanted forces from the aura and forms a barrier against negative energies.

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Labradorite mineral stone pendant

Can be purchased alone or with one of the two optional chains

It helps reduce antisocial behavior, which is why it is suitable for encouraging courtesy and customer service in the workplace, bringing out the best in people and creating a more pleasant environment.

Composition: Labradorite Stone

Approximate measurement: 4.5 cm (including the hook)

The size can vary in height and width and also its color because they are minerals

All seasons
Hippie chic

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