Volcanic Rock Bracelet with Crystal Quartz and Buddha
Volcanic Rock Bracelet with Crystal Quartz and Buddha
Volcanic Rock Bracelet with Crystal Quartz and Buddha
Volcanic Rock Bracelet with Crystal Quartz and...
Volcanic Rock Bracelet with Crystal Quartz and...
Volcanic Rock Bracelet with Crystal Quartz and...

Volcanic Rock Bracelet with Crystal Quartz and Buddha

Combined mineral stone bracelet, where the largest amount is volcanic rock and then has crystal quartz stones with golden details and the face of the Buddha.

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Adjustable bracelet with mineral stones

Stone: Volcanic Rock + Crystal Quartz

The stones are circular in shape with an elastic inside, easy to place.

In its packaging it has a clarification of its main property: Revitalizing and Strengthening

Size of the stones: 8 mm.


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