Rudraksha Seed Bracelet
Rudraksha Seed Bracelet
Rudraksha Seed Bracelet
Rudraksha Seed Bracelet
Rudraksha Seed Bracelet
Rudraksha Seed Bracelet

Rudraksha Seed Bracelet

Original 6mm rudraska seeds bracelet

This seed has interesting electromagnetic, paramagnetic, diamagnetic and dynamic polarity properties when in contact with the skin, which give it surprising benefits.

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Elasticated bracelet adaptable to different wrists

Composition: Rudraska Seeds

Seed diameter: 6 mm

Rudraksha seeds have the power to change your life through strong vibrations that will strengthen both your mind and your body, due to its incredible properties: It acts as a shield against negative energies, helps to heal diseases, improving your mental strength and your physical strength, bring and keep love in your life, by eliminating your negative karma, help people who already have material and spiritual achievements to put away their belongings and understand the true meaning of life, offer tranquility, general health and well-being, increases vitality, longevity and releases negativity and stress, removes obstacles, protects you against negative incidents and brings you wealth and success both professionally and personally, it is of great help if you have depressions, because it offers you a state of happiness By interacting with your energy field and cleaning it, it emits a powerful protective energy, allowing you to reach your highest potential.

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