Bowl 7 Chakras Heart Anahata
Bowl 7 Chakras Heart Anahata
Bowl 7 Chakras Heart Anahata
Bowl 7 Chakras Heart Anahata
Bowl 7 Chakras Heart Anahata
Bowl 7 Chakras Heart Anahata
Bowl 7 Chakras Heart Anahata
Bowl 7 Chakras Heart Anahata

Bowl 7 Chakras Heart Anahata

Tibetan bowl with inscriptions and colors of the 7 ckakras.

You can make a set of the 7 chakras by buying 1 unit of each color. The photo of the 7 bowls is merely illustrative

In this bowl we find the 4th chakra symbolized

Meaning: anahata - intact

Location: heart plexus area in the center of the chest

Element: air; gaseous matter

Green color

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Tibetan bowl with the colors of the 7 chakras where each color has the symbol of the indicated chakra, this is the heart chakra, anahata, green color

Its weight ranges between 470 and 530 grams

Its dimensions are approximately 12 cm in diameter

The price is for a single unit, includes mace

Anahata is the fourth chakra. Located in the heart plexus area in the center of the chest, it is related to our ability to love and receive love, be compassionate, live joy and accept ourselves.


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