hand-painted tapestry-buddha-velvety-painting
hand-painted tapestry-buddha-velvety-painting

Velvet Buddha Tapestry

Ethnic velvet tapestry hand painted with the image of Buddha

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Tapestry on black velvet hand painted

The image of the Buddha can vary from one unit to another due to the fact that each one is painted by hand, with which each tapestry is unique

There may be different colors, the units will be sent randomly, if you want one in particular you can communicate by mail ([email protected]) or by whatsapp (34 658474011)

Possibility of acquiring it alone or with a magnetized frame that consists of four black wooden boards with a magnet that allows it to be hung easily and to be able to change one tapestry for another easily and quickly. The upper frame (2 boards joined by magnet) has a rope for hanging and the lower boards have the important function of keeping the tapestry straight as they give it weight.

Dimensions: Tapestry 70 x 50 cm. and the frame is 50 cm


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