Om Symbol Tapestry
Om Symbol Tapestry

Om Symbol Tapestry

Om Symbol Tapestry, represents one of the most sacred mantras

The OM as a single sound represents the essential unity of everything in Existence. OM is the base of sound and it is the soundless sound, Anahata. It is Eternity. When the OM ceases to be pronounced, the world comes to an end, that is, it regresses from manifestation to the potential state.

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The Oṃ is the symbol of the essential in Hinduism. It means unity with the supreme, the combination of the physical with the spiritual. It is the sacred syllable, the first sound of the Almighty, the sound from which all other sounds emerge, whether of music or divine language.

Composition: 100% cotton

Does not have sequins

Approximate measurements: 100 x 75 cm.


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