Rudraksha Seed Bracelet and Crystal Quartz
Rudraksha Seed Bracelet and Crystal Quartz
Rudraksha Seed Bracelet and Crystal Quartz
Rudraksha Seed Bracelet and Crystal Quartz
Rudraksha Seed Bracelet and Crystal Quartz
Rudraksha Seed Bracelet and Crystal Quartz

Rudraksha Seed Bracelet and Crystal Quartz

Rudraksha seed bracelet and crystal quartz combined

The energy potential that rudraksha contains and how it relates to the environment and our body, is what gives it the character of a healing and protective seed.

Crystal quartz, for its part, is widely used to heal and eliminate negative energies in your life due to its healing properties.

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Elasticated bracelet adaptable to different wrists

Composition: Rudraska Seeds and Crystal Quartz

Pearl / Seed Size: 6mm

Crystal quartz is one of the minerals that has the most benefits. It collects energy, power, amplifies it and directs it where you want it; Combined with the rudraksha seed that is used to balance energy and provide calm, they manage to capture that energy you need and transform it in the most beneficial way for your life.


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