Pack 7 Stone Incense Holders
Pack 7 Stone Incense Holders
Pack 7 Stone Incense Holders
Pack 7 Stone Incense Holders
Pack 7 Stone Incense Holders
Pack 7 Stone Incense Holders
Pack 7 Stone Incense Holders
Pack 7 Stone Incense Holders
Pack 7 Stone Incense Holders
Pack 7 Stone Incense Holders
Pack 7 Stone Incense Holders
Pack 7 Stone Incense Holders
Pack 7 Stone Incense Holders
Pack 7 Stone Incense Holders
Pack 7 Stone Incense Holders
Pack 7 Stone Incense Holders
Pack 7 Stone Incense Holders
Pack 7 Stone Incense Holders

Pack 7 Stone Incense Holders

Stone incense holder carved in the shape of the hamsa hand and the symbol of each of the 7 chakras

The price is for the pack for 7 units: one of each color/chakra

Tax included

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Incense holder with the color and symbol of each chakra

The symbol is carved into each unit, reinforcing it with the color of each of the 7 chakras.

Chakra means, in Sanskrit, circle. According to its location it represents the energy in different parts of the body.

Dimensions: 8 cm long and 5.5 cm wide


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