Ganesha Round Burner
Ganesha Round Burner
Ganesha Round Burner
Ganesha Round Burner
Ganesha Round Burner
Ganesha Round Burner

Ganesha Round Burner

Metal statue with a large circular base and the figure of the god Ganesha in the center. It is decorative and in turn an incense burner.

The story tells that the god commissioned a server to bring him the first head he found, which turned out to be that of an elephant and, placed on the dead body, Ganesha was resurrected. This symbolizes sanity and supposedly acts as a talisman that attracts fortune.

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Hand carved statue with the god Ganesha in the center.

It has a place to place the incense, as the image shows, and for this reason we consider it an incense holder with double utility since it is very decorative

Its height is 2¨(5 cm) and its diameter is 4¨ (10 cm)


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