Fatima Hand Metallic Incense Holder
Fatima Hand Metallic Incense Holder
Fatima Hand Metallic Incense Holder
Fatima Hand Metallic Incense Holder

Fatima Hand Metallic Incense Holder

Flat incense burner with the shape of the Hamsa hand carved inside

The Hamsa or Fatima hand is adopted as an amulet for protection from the evil eye, and from any misfortune and incense or incense are used to attract good energies, ward off negative entities and protect our spaces from bad vibes. Therefore, this burner has a double meaning.

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Incense holder and metal decorative object in the shape of the Hamsa hand, carved by hand

Its dimensions are: 12 cm (4.7¨) x 9 cm (3.6¨)


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