Rustic Vertical Burner
Rustic Vertical Burner
Rustic Vertical Burner
Rustic Vertical Burner
Rustic Vertical Burner
Rustic Vertical Burner
Rustic Vertical Burner
Rustic Vertical Burner
Rustic Vertical Burner
Rustic Vertical Burner

Rustic Vertical Burner

Rustic wooden vertical tower with holes through which the aroma and smoke of the incense or cone spread.

Incense or incense sticks have been used for centuries to attract good energies.

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Vertical tower with carved holes on all 4 sides and on the top

Inside it has brass aggregates where the cone is placed and 4 holes to hold the incense sticks.

When lighting the incense, the tower closes giving security since the stick cannot fall

Through the holes the passage of smoke and aroma is allowed.

Dimensions: 30.5 cm high and the base is a square of 7.5 x 7.5 cm


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