Hindu Tapestry God Buddha
Hindu Tapestry God Buddha

Hindu Tapestry God Buddha

God Budha tapestry in strong colors that highlight the image

Buddhism is the religion, philosophy, and arguably psychology, developed from the teachings spread in northern India by Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha, around the 5th century BC. Buddha is neither a god nor a messiah nor a prophet, and Buddhism does not postulate about a creator.

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Siddhartha Gautama, Shakyamuni Buddha, or simply Buddha. He was an ascetic who lived in India from 563 to 483 before Christ; His image became popular from continent to continent in the most diverse ways, until it became a cult and decorative object.

Composition: 100% cotton

Does not have sequins

Approximate measurements: 100 x 75 cm.


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